Thursday 18 August 2016

Electronic Pill

Electronic Pill
-Blog By Bhawana Moon (Final Year Student, ETC, ACET, Nagpur)

              One of the main challenges for a doctor is what is happening inside the stomach and intestines. Doctor can inspect the colon and peer into the stomach using endoscopic instruments, but some areas cannot be easily viewed ans it is difficult to find out how muscles are working. People often suffers for year without accurate diagnosis. Digestive diseases can include symptoms such as reflux, bloating, heart burn, abdominal pain, and constipation difficulty in swallowing or loss of appetite.
            After the year of investment and development, wireless   electronic device that can be swallowed are now reaching the market. This electronic pills are being used to measure muscles contraction, ease of passage and other factors to reveal information. These capsule contains a sensor and a tiny camera that collects the information as they travel through gastrointestinal tract before being excreted from the body within one or two days.
       This capsule transmit the information such as acidity, pressure and temperature levels or images of the esophagus and intestine to your computer/laptop for further analysis. Basically doctor uses catheters, endoscopic instruments or radioisotopes for gaining this information.


Saturday 13 August 2016

Ultrasonic as a Sound Source

  -Blog By Sufiyan A. Khan (Assistant Professor, ETC, ACET, Nagpur)

       Since the goal is a small loudspeaker but strong directivity, the only possible solution is to generate very small wavelengths - such as those of high-frequency ultrasound. The ultrasound used in Holosonic technology has wavelengths only a few millimeters long, which are much smaller than the source, and therefore naturally travel in an extremely narrow beam.

       Of course, the ultrasound, which contains frequencies far outside our range of hearing, is completely inaudible. But as the ultrasonic beam travels through the air, the inherent properties of the air cause the ultrasound to change shape in a predictable way. This gives rise to frequency components in the audible band, which can be accurately predicted, and therefore precisely controlled. By generating the correct ultrasonic signal, we can create, within the air itself, any sound desired. 

Note that the source of sound is not the physical device you see, but the invisible beam of ultrasound, which can be many meters long. This new sound source, while invisible, is very large compared to the audio wavelengths it's generating. So the resulting audio is now extremely directional, just like a beam of light. Often incorrectly attributed to so-called "Tartini tones", the technique of using high-frequency waves to generate low-frequency signals was pioneered over forty years ago. Over the past several decades, many others have attempted – and failed – to use this technique to make a practical audio source. Through a combination of careful mathematical analysis and engineering insight based on pioneering work at MIT in the early 2000's, the patented Audio Spotlight sound system has become the very first, and still the only, truly directional audio system which generates high quality sound in a reliable, professional package.


       The directivity (narrowness) of all wave producing sources depends on the size of the source compared to the wavelengths it generates. Because audible sound has wavelengths comparable to the size of most loudspeakers, sound generally propagates omni-directionally. Only by creating a sound source much larger than its wavelengths can a narrow beam be created. In the past, loudspeaker manufacturers have created large speaker panels or reflective domes to provide some directivity, but due to the sound's large wavelengths, the directivity of these devices is still extremely weak. To overcome these inherent limitations, we bend the laws of acoustics... and make a narrow beam of sound from only ultrasound. The ultrasound has wavelengths only a few millimeters long, which are much smaller than the source, and therefore naturally travel in an extremely narrow beam. Air converts this ultrasound sound into audible sound as it travels, making truly directional sound, literally out of thin air!


     The Audio Spotlight is a revolutionary new audio technology that creates sound in a narrow beam, just like light. Aim the flat, thin speaker panel to your desired listening area, and provide...

       Since 2000, thousands of Audio Spotlight systems have been installed in a wide range of applications around the world. From museums, exhibits, kiosks, and digital signage to retail stores and special projects, hundreds of companies have chosen this unique, patented technology to provide high-quality, precisely controlled sound, while preserving the quiet. Based on research by MIT scientists, Audio Spotlight systems use entirely different physics to create sound in true, ultra-tight beams that are impossible with any other technology.


• On-board playback via micro-SD Built-in amplifier/processor

• Visual display/interface
• IR remote control
• Proprietary Bass Enhancement
• Advanced audio processing algorithms
• Optimized preset modes
• VESA 100 mounting pattern


      Audio Spotlight systems have been in use in thousands of installations all over the world since 2000. Customers include American Greetings, Best Buy, Boston Museum of Science, Cisco Systems, the Field Museum, the Guggenheim, Harvard Peabody Museum, Jack Morton Worldwide, Kaiser Permanente, Motorola, Science World BC, Tate Modern, Walt Disney, Western Union and the Yale Art Gallery.


Monday 1 August 2016


The Technology of New Era  
-Blog By Akansha Jain (Final Year Student, ETC, ACET, Nagpur)

Idea: Gi-Fi (Gigabit Fidelity) or Gigabit Wireless refers to wireless communication at a data rate of more than one billion bits (gigabit) per second. Gi-Fi offers some advantages over Wi-Fi, a similar wireless technology. In that it offers faster information rate in Gbps, less power consumption and low cost for short range transmissions as compare to current technology. Gi-Fi consists of a chip which has the facility to deliver short-range multi gigabit data transfer in a local environment and compared to other technologies in the market it is ten times faster. Gi-Fi has the data transfer speed up to 5 gbps within a short range of 10 meters. It operates on the 60GHz frequency band. Gi-Fi is developed on an integrated wireless transceiver chip. It has both transmitter & receiver, integrated on a single chip which is fabricated using the CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) process and it also consists of a small antenna. GiFi allows transferring large videos, audio files, data files etc. within few seconds.

Outline: Gigabit Wireless is the world‟s first transceiver integrated on a single chip which operates at 60GHz on the CMOS process. Wireless transfer of large files, audio and video data upto 5 gigabits per second is possible with this chip. The cost of wireless transfer rate is one-tenth and it provides ten times faster speed within a range of 10 meters. It uses a 5mm square chip and a 1mm wide antenna burning less than 2milli watts of power to transmit data wirelessly over short distances, similar to Bluetooth. Gi-Fi technology provides various different features like High speed of data transfer, Low power consumption, High security, Cost effective, Small size, Quick deployment, Highly portable, high mobility etc.

ARCHITECTURE OF GI-FI: The main and important component of a Gi-Fi system is its subscriber station which is available to several access points. It supports standard of IEEE 802.15.3C which uses small antenna at the subscriber station.. For the communication among different computer devices, which includes telephones and PDA, it supports millimeter-wave wireless PAN network. In this network, the antenna is mounted on the roof and it supports Line Of Sight (LOS) operation.

Figure: Architecture of GI-FI

What is 802.15.3C Technologies?

         This millimeter-Wave WPAN will operate in the new and clear band including 57-64 GHz unlicensed band defined by FCC 47 CFR 15.255. The millimeter-wave WPAN will allow high coexistence (close physical spacing) with all other microwave systems in the 802.15 family of WPANs. It transmits multiple signals simultaneously across the wireless transmission paths within separate frequencies to avoid interference.

Evolution of Gi-Fi

Comparison between Gi-Fi, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth


· High Security: As the IEEE 802.15.3C provides more security, it provides link level and service level security, where these features are optional. Point-to-point wireless systems operating at 60 GHz have been used for many years by the intelligence community for high security communications and by the military for satellite-to satellite communications.

·High speed data transfer: The main invention of Gi-Fi is to provide higher bit rate Because of this high speed data transfer, we can transfer large video, audio, data files within seconds. .As the name itself indicates data transfer rate is in Giga bits per second it is 10 times faster than the present data transfer rate. The speed of Gi-Fi is 5 Gbps. An entire High-Definition (HD)movie could be transmitted to a mobile phone in a few seconds, and the phone could then upload the movie to a home computer or screen at the same speed.

· Small Size: The chip, just 5mm per side, has a tiny 1mm antenna and uses the 60GHz millimeter-wave‟ spectrum.

· Low Power Consumption: This is the best feature because although the large amount of information is transferred, it utilizes milliwatts of power only. Generally in present technologies it takes 10mwatt power, which is very high but this technology consumes only 2mwatt power for data transfer of gigabits of information.

· Cost-effective: Gi-Fi is based on an open, international standard due to which the use of low-cost, mass-produced chipsets, will bring down the cost automatically. This also results in integrated wireless transceiver chip which transfers data at high speed and low power at low price of $10 only which is very less as compared to present systems. As time will pass and development increases , the price of Gi-Fi will be decreased.


·    House Hold Appliances: Consumers could typically download a high definition movie from a kiosk in a matter of seconds to music player or smart phone and having got home could play it on a home theatre system or store it on a home server for future viewing, again within a few seconds, high speed internet access, streaming content download (video on demand, HDTV, home theater, etc.), real time streaming and wireless data bus for cable replacement.

·    Office Appliances: As it transfers data at high speeds which made work very easy, it also provides high quality of information from internet.

·    Video information transfer: By using present technologies video swapping takes hours of time, whereas by this we can transfer at a speed of Gbps. Data transfer rate is same for transfer of information from a PC to a cell or a cell to a PC. It can enable wireless monitors, the efficient transfer of data from digital camcorders, wireless printing of digital pictures from a camera without the need for an intervening personal computer and the transfer of files among cell phone handsets and other handheld devices like personal digital audio and video players.

·    Future Considerations: As the range is limited to shorter distances only we can expect the broad band with same speed and low power consumption.

· Easily Embedded Into Devices
· Wireless Office and Home Equipment
· Great Reliability And Ability
            · Greater Potential
                        · Wireless HD


       Within five years, Gi-Fi is the powerful technology for wireless networking. In this paper, the comparison is performed between Gi-Fi, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies shows that these features along with some other benefits make it suitable to replace the existing wireless technologies. Gi-Fi offers High speed of data transfer, Low power consumption, High security, Cost effective, Quick deployment, Small size, Highly portable, high mobility etc.for short range transmissions as compare to current technology. Gi-Fi can be used in many devices such as media access control, Smartphone‟s, wireless PAN network. high cost of infrastructure have not yet possible for wi-fi to become a power network, then towards this problem the better technology despite the advantages of rate present technologies led to the introduction of new Gi-Fi. It removes cables that for many years ruled over the world and provides high speed data transfer rate.